Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dear 3 Courage,
Remember to think through the nomination for the Most Caring Teacher Award tomorrow (I will not be in school). I am sure you are going to have a difficult time making up your minds, as Elias Park Primary is full of caring teachers! You may nominate any teachers in the school, including MT teachers, subject teachers - in fact any teacher who has taught you before.

Here is wishing every one a wonderful and memorable June school holiday.


Blogger Joanna said...

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1:25 AM  
Blogger gerry said...

I think i will vote for Mr Ang bacause he teaches subjects very well!He won countless trophies and medals too!He created P4C,also stands for Philosophy 4 Children.At first i thought it stands for primary 4 Courage,but now I know it,i never misunderstood it anymore.Mr Ang's lessons are so great!I 95% think i am going to vote for Mr Ang!!!!!!:^

12:45 AM  

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