Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dear 3 Courage,

This is the start of Term 4, and the exams are round the corner. You may wish to share with your classmates how you are coping in your revision and any useful study tips that you have. Remember to start your revision early. Do not wait till the last minute to burn the midnight oil. Ask and seek clarifications now, if you encounter any problems.

All the best in your preparations for SA2.

Mr Ang


Blogger gerry said...

It is quite hard during exams.And I have to study even during weekends 24/7.I wish my hard would pay off or I can't play any computer gemes!!!!!

12:30 AM  
Blogger nigelang said...

hahahahahahahaha!i get to play 24h of gameboy a day!good luck on your SA2, Gerry

7:07 AM  

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