Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dear 3 Courage,
Remember to think through the nomination for the Most Caring Teacher Award tomorrow (I will not be in school). I am sure you are going to have a difficult time making up your minds, as Elias Park Primary is full of caring teachers! You may nominate any teachers in the school, including MT teachers, subject teachers - in fact any teacher who has taught you before.

Here is wishing every one a wonderful and memorable June school holiday.

It's party time today! 3 Courage having a well-deserved class party and celebrating the coming of the June holidays.

At the majestic
Sultan Mosque

At the Istana Kampong Glam...
The bark of the Glam Tree - from which Kampong Glam derives its name.

Listening attentively to our guide.
3 Courage posing in front of the statue of Sir Stamford Raffles (founder of modern Singapore) by the Singapore River. Look at how Singapore has been transformed - from a fishing village to a modern city today!
Today, 3 Courage went on a heritage tour to Kampong Glam and the Singapore River. Here are the photos. Reflect on what you have learnt from this Learning Journey...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dear 3 Courage,

As promised, we will have a class party next Friday, 26 May. What food/drinks are you bringing? :)

Today, the class received their SA1 results for Maths and English. I could see many of the joyful faces and I am proud of all your results - after all the hard work put in for the past half year.

Congratulations to our class Mathematicians - 100 marks! Keep up the great work >
Many of your classmates have also obtained results close to 100 marks
(98 onwards). Great work!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

3 Courage 2006 - where all the happy students gather!
Read to find out more about our class activities and programmes eg: Philosophy for Children, Fun Spelling and Cloze in Songs :)

Dear 3 Courage students (& all my ex-students),

I have just created this space specially for you! Do send me articles, comments and photos for me to upload here. Enjoy blogging and getting to know your friends better.

Best wishes,
Mr Jeremy Ang